Other notable one-off bootlegs include DNA's dance remix of Suzanne Vega's " Tom's Diner" ( 1990) and "You Got The Love" by The Source featuring Candi Staton ( 1991).
The song " Your Woman" by White Town features an uncredited sample from a 1932 song "My Woman" by the Lew Stone Band taken from the soundtrack of the Dennis Potter series Pennies From Heaven. There have been a number of novelty records and one-off hits that have included uncleared samples. The track, a reinterpretation of Orson Welles' celebrated War of the Worlds mock-emergency broadcast interspliced with musical snippets comically dramatizing the portentous patter of the announcer, spawned a raft of imitations, only to pass into oblivion within the space of a year. material from one song would "break-in" to another) called "The Flying Saucer". In 1956, Bill Buchanan and Dickie Goodman released what they called a "break-in" song, (i.e. In addition, many elements of bastard pop culture have antecedents in hip hop and the DIY ethic of punk. If one extends the definition beyond the realm of pop, precursors can be found in musique concrète, as well as the classical practice of (re-)arranging traditional folk material and the jazz tradition of reinterpreting standards. Though the term "bastard pop" first became popular in 2001, the practice of assembling new songs from purloined elements of other tracks stretches back to the beginnings of recorded music. In addition, more traditional terms such as "edits" or (unauthorized) "remixes" are favored by many " bootleggers" (also known as 'leggers). Crossovers, but it is in a form of bastard pop, or version vs.

Boots (but not Booty which is a branch of Electro).Mashups are known by a number of different names: 2.2.4 Bonna Music and "Enjoy the Sheket".2.2.3 Get Your Bootleg On,, Mashuptown, Mashupciti, Mashup Hits, Bootie, Boomselection, Sound Unsound, A.D.D.2.2.1 2 many DJ's and "A Stroke of Genie-us".